Tuesday 13 April 2010

The CD making

Oh what a work on it. Of course to make an easy song and to produce an easy single it's better. Bot when you need to realize a Concept Album and you decide to record it in Dolby, well ... it's another story :)
I just got my album "Karen", that's a Concept Album I recorded initially in Stereo.
Well,I decided to transform it definitively in Dolby, because I'm a great supporter of 3D sound and pictures, so I asked and obtained licenses from Dolby Labs in San Fransisco and I started to realize this.
Well, few people knows that I'm working at my home, I don't have a superstudio or SSL consoles ( at the moment :D perhaps YOU as sponsor of me, will give me those things :D ) or NEVE or Neumann micros and so on.
But I think I have fantasy and I have creativity. I have not clue in what percentage, but surely I have enough to do these operations by myself. And I did them :D
Long long long operations are necessary in order to compile the interleaved file and to work on it especially when the computer is not a performing one with 8 processors and so on, but an old PIV with 1G RAM ... but ok ... every challenge is an occasion to learn more and more ...
I wanted just to point out those things in order to clear out that: inspiration ( the art of the Muse from who we have the word "Music" ), it's not necessarily passioned love or "the wanted to be together" ... but you know ... other people need to be guided through life's Law ... else tehy are not able to make correct distinguishes ;)
Anyway, I'm happy to see that my CD "KAREN" is up and running as I thought ... a bloody CD is now online in http://www.reverbnation.com/tormyvancool ... a dream came true :D
It's not the first work I realized in Dolby ... the real first one is my single "Concert voor Barbara" dedicated to a friend of me: Barbara Carpinelli.
Don't worry: she's not my girl friend and she will be never my girl friend .. not her and not Karen too ... this should be clear. They are beautiful girls inspired me to realize this musicwork.
But while Barbara knows very well this, she's a smart girl too, well Karen is always confused about ... just "normal belgian behavior" ... don't worry, I'm used to this deep-less manner to think, that here in Belgium certain persons have :) :) :)
In this case it's not an audio re-manipulation but it was really made assigning each source to the real horizon. The result is astonishing ... when you listen to it with the HOme Theater, despiting the encoding manner ( Dolby Pro Logic II or Dolby Digital if in DVD or Dolby MLP if in DVD-A ), not only the involvement of the listener and the realism is huge, but even the details of each instrument plaid in the Orchestra is enormously evident.
So that I decided to produce also other two singles:
  • "Onbestemde Melancholische Ziel" ( Melancholic Errant Soul )
  • "Fractaal Gefluister" ( Fractal Whisper )
with the same technology, and indeed the results are fantastic.
Then I definitely decided to re-mix my single "Tears" ... and now my whole CD "Karen"
The hours employed to work on them are a lot of, but the result pays back :)
The experience was so enthusiastic that from this moment on, I will never produce a "normal stereo" piece anymore.
Don't worry, all the mp3 you have available to purchase ( just 0.99 USD ! Come-on, don't tell me it's too much ;) ) coded in Dolby Pro Logic II, are fully compatible with Stereo.
Do you know one thing ? Well you can easily burn a CD with them and listen to it with your Home Theater ( the 99.9% of them are supporting Dolby Pro Logic II ) and you can enjoy
I hope you will share with me this experience too

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