Monday, 6 December 2010

I sell my Music Scores

It was a suggestion from Susan Cabral, a Boston's artist.
She told me:"why you don't sell you music score ? You should do".
yes, it's true. In order to permit others to play my music.
The issue was: how ?
Because there are not so many websites where you can do something like that in a reliable way.

Well, I found one in Switzerland. It looks alike very serious one. I could publish my biography, I could publish my music scores that, with a very cheap price can be sold, I could add some picture made from my photographer friend: Sher Bahadur Chhantyal.

In other words, I started to publish them.
It's not an easy operation, because I have to prepare not only the score for the Conductor, but also each part for the Musicians.

From now on, you van find some of them here:, so that from now on you can start to play some my piece too :)
The other pieces will be available at soon I have time to create all the necessary .PDF

A Piano Reduction of SPRING TIME

Her background is Classical, so that it was quite easy for me to create something that can highlights the classical skill of the artist.

A professional pianist, Michael WITTOCX that at the present time is working as teacher in the Conservatory of Mechelen, played this reduction in order to detect points where it's to difficult or almost impossible to be played.
There was only one note that should me removed in order to avoid extreme difficulties and I did ;)

Well, after the registration and the necessary Copyright protection, I sent to her the music score, that it's also for sell at, so that she can rehears it and play in her concerts in U.S.

I'm really happy for that. The sensation you have when somebody plays something you have composed, it's very special.
Now I'm just curious and I will waiting for a video of the concert of course ;)

Thank you Susan ;)

ReverbNation website of Susan: CLICK HERE


Wednesday, 9 June 2010

How SPRING TIME is born

This piece is published now 09 June 2010 on but it was born two years ago.

The first version is the "reduction for piano and violin".
In the reality this is the "pure" version ... is the Big Orchestra version that's an arrangement I did.

Well, this piece has its own history.

I was in the third year of Violin class at the Conservatory of Mechelen ( my city ), and each three year, the exam is public. It means that also public can attend to it.
The request of my teacher was:"If you want, you can compose one of the pieces that you have to bring at your exam" ... WOW ... I did :) I just composed it with piano and afterwards I created the voicing for the violin

Recently, in 2010, having the Dolby Licensee's contract, I decided to create the arrangement for Big Orchestra and to use Dolby Pro Logic II in order to be decoded in Home Theatre systems ... giving back the real sound's horizon.

Dolby Pro Logic II, indeed, permits to stay compatible with normal analogue stereo ... that's why I realized the MP3 ... and at the same time, it carries-on the surround information. If you download this MP3 and you listen to it with a Home Theatre system, you will be submerged in the sound scene.

In the future, DVDs I will create with videoclips ( HD-DVD or BLUE RAYS ) will use, of course, Dolby Digital

Enjoy ;)

Thursday, 29 April 2010

A kid, a mom, a father and god

A kid asked to his mom:"Why do you are crying ?"
She answered:"Because I'm a woman"
Kid:"I don't understand"
His mom took him between her arms and told him:"And you can never understand ..."
Later on the kid asked to his father:"Whay mama is crying ?"
The father answered:"All women crying without a real reason"
That's what the father was able to answer to him.
When the kid became adult, asked to God:"Lord, why women cry so easily ?"
God answered:When I created the woman, she should be really special.
I gave her strong shoulders in order to be able to carry the whole wheight of the world ... They are also anought soft
to be confortable.
I gave her the strongness to doante the life, the force to accept the refuse often given her from her children.
I gave her the strongness in order to give ehr the possibility to go on even if all the others are giving up.
The energy to take care about her family without thinking to sickness and fatigue.
I gave her the sensibility to give lov to her children. An inconditioned love, even when tehy are huring her hardly.
I gave her the strongness to tollerate her husband with his own wiknesses and to stay aside him whithout give up.
Finally, I gave her tears ... to use when she feel the needs.
Look, the beautiness of a woman is not in her dresses nor in her face or in her hair ... the beautiness of a woman is inside her eyes. That's the door to her heart, the door where the Love is.
And often it's just with the tears that you can see goin on her heart"

Sunday, 18 April 2010

How my CD "KAREN" came out

KAREN has a real original Story. Perhaps not so original as you imagine, but for me it is always an original experience.
With this phrase I think I have redimentioned expectations :-D
I decided to share with you this little/big drama. Yes at the end it was a drama. It's not a grave drama or unsolvable one but it put in highlight certain strange scenarios.
First of all: who is KAREN ?
Yes "who" and not "what". She's a person I met some years ago ( at the end 2007 begining 2008 ).
Where ? And in what manner ?
This is the natural curiosity that's in you :)
Of course, those are the questions I have too, if I'm reading a story like this one.
"KAREN W. " ( the first letter of her familyname ) was just working in the same Company where I was working too. We had different tasks and different levels too.
One day, just due working coincidence, I met her.
What is happened then ?
Don't start to imagin Holliwood's scenes please :-)
I was not falling in love as you first have imagined :D I know you, I'm reading in your mind :) Please try to be superior and disconnect for a while yourself from the brainless-mass of hte rest of humankind ... ok ? Just for a while ... I should say: two-three minutes ;)
Well I looked her in her eyes directly as normally I do with persons, and I simply checked out something strange on her, something not common, something that should investigated.
That "something" I felt beautiful.
Once at home, in the evening, I got strange sensations ... I was thinking to her, to her eyes, to her face, to her delicate design.
I put her aside, and I continued my life for a while. But her "picture" was popping back up ... uhmm ...
In the days after this, there was the occasion to meet her for not-working reasons, just to have fun with companions. I just invited other employees together with her ( of the same Company ) to flight together ( I'm pilot of little airplanes: Cessnas ).
It was a beautiful December's days of 2007.
On that evening at home I had the same sensation I had the first time I met her.
Despiting normal human reactions, I'm always hypercritical towards myself as well as with the other and I asked myself:"Hey Tormy, are you falling in love with her ? Uhm That cannot, it's very clear that your world and her worlds are really faraway from eachother" ... but the answer to me without lying was:"No ... I'm not really falling in love with her, I just saw something in her mind, in her soul, is actracting me. It's not my intention to create with her anything, or to try with her anything" ... furthermore she has her boyfriend already and so on ... she has HER life ... so the word NO must be in practice. Perhaps the design of her eyes/mouth/nose, very fine as an Elf where actracting my attention, but from there on, to think to other kind of attraction(s): is another story. Not mine one for sure.
This was the true ... but while I was thinking this, I was working with my PC and some Synth program ... I start playing and I start getting the first melody out. At that point her picture was popping out strongly on my mind.
I thought she was just give me this, so I had to put it out definitely.
I start playing, just start playing, improvising ... and I created the full part 1 of KAREN ... in few minutes it was almost as you are listening to now from the CD.
Well, I start to work on it in order to get a final piece of music, when meanwhile I got another melody on my mind strong as well ... So I simply written on a piece of paper the first 4-5 notes ( just their names ) in order to avoid to forget it.
That evening I finished the first part but I decided to go ahead with the second part.
In the beginning I was thinking to create two songs, but afterwards I decided that it was more natural to put them together in only one song, divided in two sections.
The day after, I refinished the first part with my voice, some effects over and the drum and I started to create the scond part.
But those 4-5 notes were tell me something and nothing at the same time.
So that I wanted to create a background based on the chord sequence I had in mind and written on this paper, and I left my soul "go away with the guitar". Whatever I created: this was what she communicated so what I will get and work on it.
I took my guitar, I start the player and I recorded myself ... just improvisation ... what it was, just it was ... not matter wat.
I knew she is born in January, the 20th, and I knew that on that period, the major constellation in the sky is ORION. The most beautiful constallation ever existed.
I left my own mind to go away ... up there ... meanwhile I was playing without paying attention on what I was playing, in what manner and so on ... I just stopped when I felt to stop.
And the part 2 was created in this way ...
I finished it just balancing the level of the instruments among eachother and stop.
The other two days I was just thinking to this two pieces and I decided to make her a gift for her birthday. Indeed I started to compose in December around 17-20th and just a month later there was her B-Day.
So why not ? I was thinking it was an original gift.
Well, from that moment on I suspended to compose ... when few days later I had the same strong "presence of her" in my mind and it came the rest of the things in the same manner.
The huge work was to mount all the tracks together. Not because I had to find the ideas, but just technical job with a PC and a program that is everything ... except performing -.-
At this point I started with the artwork, the CD Label and so on.
Initially it was very different than the last one you can see in my Shop, but extremely similar in the concept.
Unfortunately, due technical reasons ( one technical and another: human .... this will see later on ), I couldn't publish the same original one in the Phycis release of the CD.
Anyway I wrote something to her into the orignal CD's Book-let. A phrase that sweetly and kindly, as with a delicate woman you have to act, tells her exactly waht was the situation. Of course: in romantic manner

"Dear Karen
The music that I here composed was inspirated to my heart by you.
Your smile, your look, your sweet aspect, gave this music to my soul. to sing the notes recorded on this CD.
Even if it was for only one day.
I have to thank you for this beautiful gift that you, with justyour been gave to me.
So that now I will give you these sounds, these creatures.
A flower has a duration of a moment. Music, when created with the heart, stays forever.
As forever this music is fully talking about you.
How's gone when I gave her the CD ?
Well, she thanks me a lot ... and from that moment on, she took huge distances from me.
Fantastic :) I thought that a person of 30-36 year was capable to clear out some doubts is coming on her mind.
But it's not so as I can see. I was wrong to think about her maturity then ?!
Well, I behaved always in kind way with her but I kept distance as well, I mean: without making a second CD for her :-))))
really ... but I mean it should be clear that this action is romantic. It's true. But it was not ment as "proposal" or even as "arrasement" ... just a perfect idiot can think even to the second hypothesis. Come-on ! How can I pretend to have something interesting for a woman that other men have not ! What do you think ? That I'm not able to evaluate this ? I have simply NOTHING ... so that why I had to be so idiot to try something with her ? ( as well as with another one ... the fact doesn't change )
From my side, it was just a GIFT ... as I told her:"you don't have to thank me ... just you communicated to me what there is into this CD ... I just put it out ... You have to thank yourself".
My words were TRUE ... no second meaning(s) AT ALL. What for a sick mind can think to second meaning when my message is clear: I don't feel anything else than friendship for you, I just FELT this music you suggested me and stop.
After some month, due this fucking economical crisis, the department I was directing was closed and they were constrained to fire personnel. I lost my job. ( Thank you US's financial multinationals for this crisis ! Fuck you up definitely ! )
Well, I lost her contacts except the one on but I don't use it for friendship businesses at all. I use it ONLY for Professional use. So that not any eMail for friendship will never ever start from there.
But one day, recently, I saw her in Facebook. Well I launched an invitation. Just to tell "hello".
Really as friend! What can I do with Facebook that she cannot lock and/or delete ?
But just so, as I can reach each one of you and simply greating him/her.
Well, not only she deleted the first one, but neither:"hallo" ...

Do I stink ?
Do I told her: listen I wanna fuck with you ?
Do I did anything bad ?
Do I did anything dust to her ?
Anything for sure from my side/intentions. Frankly talking I could clear out with written words the previous situation and perhaps misunderstanding, if her in Facebook had to remarks something about ... but definitely she cut all out. So in the reality I have only suspiciousness about her thoughts but no reasons. Not a REAL reason for such behavior.
I can understand that in her culture, in her country ( Belgium - West Vlaanderen ) where the majority are extremely materialist, such action it can be misanderstood. I mean: if I dedicate a CD with romantic words in a cover to a woman, she think: he wants to come to the bed with me.
But in MY culture and in the culture of several other Nations in the world, it stays a very romantic action but STOP.
If the man has other intentions, he will express them. Otherwise it means: it's just a special gift and don't think to other things.
Well, now I don't feel any music anymore when I think to her, and I deleted into the other releases of that CD the "sweet words" I written at that moment ( here the human reasons I was talking above, in the beginning ). But I feel just compassion for a little human been uncapable to communicate correctly with the others and the other cultures ( that's probably her culture, her environment ), except for only ONE single casual moment on her life ... when I looked into her eyes.
This is the "drama" accompanied "KAREN" so you can consider it a "melodrama" or better a drama described with Melody ;)
I seriously invite you to buy that CD because this Story is inside, expressed by the music ;)
P.S. perhaps she wanted I had to jump on her physically and doing sex sex sex sex ... that's why she's angry with me: I didn't :-D hahahahahahaha It's a joke of course :D but knowing the mentality here ... mmmmhhhhh ... strange one :D

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

The CD making

Oh what a work on it. Of course to make an easy song and to produce an easy single it's better. Bot when you need to realize a Concept Album and you decide to record it in Dolby, well ... it's another story :)
I just got my album "Karen", that's a Concept Album I recorded initially in Stereo.
Well,I decided to transform it definitively in Dolby, because I'm a great supporter of 3D sound and pictures, so I asked and obtained licenses from Dolby Labs in San Fransisco and I started to realize this.
Well, few people knows that I'm working at my home, I don't have a superstudio or SSL consoles ( at the moment :D perhaps YOU as sponsor of me, will give me those things :D ) or NEVE or Neumann micros and so on.
But I think I have fantasy and I have creativity. I have not clue in what percentage, but surely I have enough to do these operations by myself. And I did them :D
Long long long operations are necessary in order to compile the interleaved file and to work on it especially when the computer is not a performing one with 8 processors and so on, but an old PIV with 1G RAM ... but ok ... every challenge is an occasion to learn more and more ...
I wanted just to point out those things in order to clear out that: inspiration ( the art of the Muse from who we have the word "Music" ), it's not necessarily passioned love or "the wanted to be together" ... but you know ... other people need to be guided through life's Law ... else tehy are not able to make correct distinguishes ;)
Anyway, I'm happy to see that my CD "KAREN" is up and running as I thought ... a bloody CD is now online in ... a dream came true :D
It's not the first work I realized in Dolby ... the real first one is my single "Concert voor Barbara" dedicated to a friend of me: Barbara Carpinelli.
Don't worry: she's not my girl friend and she will be never my girl friend .. not her and not Karen too ... this should be clear. They are beautiful girls inspired me to realize this musicwork.
But while Barbara knows very well this, she's a smart girl too, well Karen is always confused about ... just "normal belgian behavior" ... don't worry, I'm used to this deep-less manner to think, that here in Belgium certain persons have :) :) :)
In this case it's not an audio re-manipulation but it was really made assigning each source to the real horizon. The result is astonishing ... when you listen to it with the HOme Theater, despiting the encoding manner ( Dolby Pro Logic II or Dolby Digital if in DVD or Dolby MLP if in DVD-A ), not only the involvement of the listener and the realism is huge, but even the details of each instrument plaid in the Orchestra is enormously evident.
So that I decided to produce also other two singles:
  • "Onbestemde Melancholische Ziel" ( Melancholic Errant Soul )
  • "Fractaal Gefluister" ( Fractal Whisper )
with the same technology, and indeed the results are fantastic.
Then I definitely decided to re-mix my single "Tears" ... and now my whole CD "Karen"
The hours employed to work on them are a lot of, but the result pays back :)
The experience was so enthusiastic that from this moment on, I will never produce a "normal stereo" piece anymore.
Don't worry, all the mp3 you have available to purchase ( just 0.99 USD ! Come-on, don't tell me it's too much ;) ) coded in Dolby Pro Logic II, are fully compatible with Stereo.
Do you know one thing ? Well you can easily burn a CD with them and listen to it with your Home Theater ( the 99.9% of them are supporting Dolby Pro Logic II ) and you can enjoy
I hope you will share with me this experience too