Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Mobile phones and Cancer

Well, how many times we were reading news about "radiation" emitted by mobile phones and their potential danger. I think a lot of time. So many times, that many people is worried about it.

But at the actual state of the research, there is not any evidence of damages caused by radiofrequency. There were in the market, also really funny ( and expensive ) objects that were blocking those radiations and saving the live of the persons.
Nobody knows why the communication between the mobile and the repeater was working anyway, with those stupid devices. Perhaps due "holy spirit", or simply: they are made to joke with us and to catch our money.
Well, our Sun is a star, and as Star, in order to survive, has processes of nuclear fusion in his own core, that produce all the energy that we see when we are watching the Sun itself. But there is a lot of energy more, that we are not able to watch: UV ray, and radio magnetic fields. They are so strong that you cannot even imagine it, if compared by a mobile phone.
Let me make an example. Just only with the sun-light, at 45° North or South, the Sun gives 1.2kW of energy. It means 1 200 Watts. A mobile phone reaches some milliwatt ( 1 milliwatt = 0.001W ). Supposing that our mobile works with 100 milliwatts ... and this is a common case when disturbed and or it reaches with fatigue the repeater. It transmits then with 0.1W. It means 1/12 000 of Sun's power in a square meter ! It means that in only ONE MINUTE of taking Sun during your holidays or simply walking on road, you take on yourself 12 000 mobile phones at the same time !
Are you death for this ? I don't think so. But you don't take only light over your skin. You got a lot of others electromagnetic waves, even to the same frequency of Mobile phones. The spectrum is extremely LARGE and POWERFUL. So that: why do you have to be scared about Mobile ? Why your mind, is so well driven by stupid mass media and not-scientific demonstration ?

Well, I remember that in italy, many years ago, there was a fake scientist ( but introduced from mass medias as: THE scientist ) . He wanted to demonstrate that Neurons, cultivated in vitro, were living less if exposed to a Mobile phone "radiation". Good for him. Those neurons were living only 20 minutes, he told and shown.

ONLY ???

of course people were believing in this experiment, but living 20 minutes in vitro exposed to the atmosphere, it's a HUGE TERM OF TIME for neurons in such conditions! So that at the end, they were surviving exceptionally for a long time, and they were dying not due the Mobile phone, but just because they couldn't survive further in those conditions. So, do not believe in such things. They are just to drive you crazy and create market, ONLY FUCKING MARKET, nothing else than this. Don't be stupid as they want you are. Watch out

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