Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Mobile phones and Cancer

Well, how many times we were reading news about "radiation" emitted by mobile phones and their potential danger. I think a lot of time. So many times, that many people is worried about it.

But at the actual state of the research, there is not any evidence of damages caused by radiofrequency. There were in the market, also really funny ( and expensive ) objects that were blocking those radiations and saving the live of the persons.
Nobody knows why the communication between the mobile and the repeater was working anyway, with those stupid devices. Perhaps due "holy spirit", or simply: they are made to joke with us and to catch our money.
Well, our Sun is a star, and as Star, in order to survive, has processes of nuclear fusion in his own core, that produce all the energy that we see when we are watching the Sun itself. But there is a lot of energy more, that we are not able to watch: UV ray, and radio magnetic fields. They are so strong that you cannot even imagine it, if compared by a mobile phone.
Let me make an example. Just only with the sun-light, at 45° North or South, the Sun gives 1.2kW of energy. It means 1 200 Watts. A mobile phone reaches some milliwatt ( 1 milliwatt = 0.001W ). Supposing that our mobile works with 100 milliwatts ... and this is a common case when disturbed and or it reaches with fatigue the repeater. It transmits then with 0.1W. It means 1/12 000 of Sun's power in a square meter ! It means that in only ONE MINUTE of taking Sun during your holidays or simply walking on road, you take on yourself 12 000 mobile phones at the same time !
Are you death for this ? I don't think so. But you don't take only light over your skin. You got a lot of others electromagnetic waves, even to the same frequency of Mobile phones. The spectrum is extremely LARGE and POWERFUL. So that: why do you have to be scared about Mobile ? Why your mind, is so well driven by stupid mass media and not-scientific demonstration ?

Well, I remember that in italy, many years ago, there was a fake scientist ( but introduced from mass medias as: THE scientist ) . He wanted to demonstrate that Neurons, cultivated in vitro, were living less if exposed to a Mobile phone "radiation". Good for him. Those neurons were living only 20 minutes, he told and shown.

ONLY ???

of course people were believing in this experiment, but living 20 minutes in vitro exposed to the atmosphere, it's a HUGE TERM OF TIME for neurons in such conditions! So that at the end, they were surviving exceptionally for a long time, and they were dying not due the Mobile phone, but just because they couldn't survive further in those conditions. So, do not believe in such things. They are just to drive you crazy and create market, ONLY FUCKING MARKET, nothing else than this. Don't be stupid as they want you are. Watch out

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

LHC: Large Hadrons Collider

Is it finally the end of the World ? No I don't think so.
Large Hadrons Collider doesn't serve to destroy our planet. Sincerely talking: I don't know in what manner a simple Lawyer, was able to predict this bullshit, and I even cannot understand in what manner newspapers, radio and TV can give importance to this "man". But both, me and you, we now how stupidity in misinformation of mass-media there is in the world. Just it.

Well, this experiment, would like to split particles in very "little debries". Already we know Quarks, identified by exotic names, also because those particles ARE exotic themself. But substantially we have to know, we have to discover again: the dues of the Matter in our Universe.

Standard Model of Physics, makes guilty the Higgs's Boson for this. Well, the only one issue is that this particle, never was directly observed. Indirect observations just tend to confirm it's existence. But in science: something exists really when it's clearly identified. Higgs's Boson it's the responsible of the existence of the mass in our Universe, following our Theory.

I would like to find the one that justifies why Medias and certain idiots have not brain, but this is out of Standard Model I think.

Anyway, discovering the existence of this particle will give a sense to Standard Model, and if it there is not, it means that we have to redo something in Physics. But this is the research's Law.
This is the scope of humankind. Don't forget that you, me, all of us, we are just wasting time following our Mobile, our Portable PC, our interconnections, my blog :-) and so on.
Definitely we are not born to be slave of our products. Vice versa, we have to use our products to amplify our capability to understand WHY we are here. I use my blog to communicate to you and to give my ideas. You can answer to give feedback. This growth up each other.
But the aim is not the blog itself. It's the use; the scope of it, that makes or not sense. Who's making the scope ? WE ! Only WE are responsible of it.

Probably to the majority, this concept doesn't make any sense. Probably they just ignoring this, and they still thinking to Soccer, Baseball, Golf, Tennis and so on, or just business and so on.
But in the reality those activities should be just a vehicle for our life in order to get answers from our life itself. But we are so """intelligent""", so """smart""", that we are focusing us just to the other side of the question.

Coming back to this research that will be made with LHC, we need to discover if we are looking in the correct direction or not. Our future is based on it. Why ?
Well: what do you think about microprocessors and your PC ? They are alive thanks Physic's Law. But more specifically, they are alive for the Physic's Law that WE UNDERSTAND and WE DISCOVERED.

What does it means ? It means that: till now our understanding was enough to produce those processors, but we are not more able to proceed further, if certain things are not so well clear or cleared out.
We are not able to make any forecast that is not affected by huge amount of uncertainty.
So what do you think ? Do you think really that we are able to proceed further with technology, using sub-particles components, if we are not able to work on that space because there is a lack of information in the Physic's Modeling ?

Not at all. Suppose that we discover Standard Model is not correct. And suppose, just for a while, that this will bring new information to us. Suppose that thank to those new information, we'll are able to give powerful PCs to you, but not only this. Suppose we'll are able to interact in a better way with our Body for it's own health also, and that we will be able to travel from Earth to Jupiter or a nearest Solar System in few days instead of centuries, in order to get some more resources for our Civilization, or to discover something new about Energy, and so on and so on. Do you really refuse this ?

Not at all, and you know very well that's not science fiction. It's good, because a lot of things in the actual world, are due this kind of researches. Even if Standard Model is finally correct, than it's good for scientists, it will give new perspectives thanks to the fact that we can tune fine forecasts and consequently: applications in the """real world""".
I think you have appreciated not only the PCs evolution ( this was just a little example here to open this discussion ) but huge steps ahead in medicine, to take care about humane Health, in the renewable energy systems, just to try to avoid global collapse, reduction of CO2 and so on. Of course there are politicians after scientists, that decide what to do of/with us. But at least scientists are discovering new things to be better ( politics are discovering how to transform those things to be worse !!! )

So that welcome LHC. Accelerator of Hadrons. What are the hadrons ?. This strange name. It looks alike aliens' name. It's not so strange if you understand that it's a Greek word ADRĂ’S that identifies particles subjected to Strong Nuclear Force. As you now in Nature we have four fundamental forces as:

Weak Force
Strong Force

Ok Hadrons are subjected to the Strong Force. What is this ? In few and simple words, is the force that maintain Nuclei as they are. As you know, if you have particles with same polarity, they tend to push each other away. Nuclei structures are not possible under this condition. Strong Force is a field of energy, mediated by Gluons ( from the word: Glue ), that acts in this way:
the more particles tend to go far away from each other, the more they are attracted to each other. Fortunately for us this force exists.
This force acts on Quarks, that constitutes the heavy particles on Nuclei, but it's action field, is quite large to involve the entire particles them self.

Producing high energy collisions among those particles, we brake them in their fundamentals and we can eventually observe those "fundamentals". The problem is that the energy that we need is proportional to the energy that constitutes particle's mass field. It means that: for Higgs's Boson that has 200 Gev, about 3.5x10-25 kg, we need the same potential energy in order to discover it from particles collisions. It seems little ? yes ? Well, to reach this energy, we need a machine huge as the LHC to produce it. So what do you think now ? Do you still thinking that mass and energy constituting the mass itself is little ? :-) I think you are convinced that: in order to split particles in equivalent sub particles, collisions should be done at the same or more energy, required end forecast by Physic's Models. So that: if Physic's Models are correct, we will obtain the forecast results. Now I think it's clear.

Well, to reach a collision of such amount of energy, we need really exotic conditions. To accelerate particles above the half of speed light, we are looking their mass incrementation ( Theory of Relativity ). This augment is exponential, till it's required more energy than the one contained in our Universe, just to reach 100% of speed light.
In few words: it will be never possible to reach that amount of energy. Of course we can go closer and closer but never reach it. Look here. Just to accelerate hadrons at speed of about 99.99995% ( Am I right with decimal ? Sorry if not, but it's just to give you an idea ) of speed light, it's necessary to have LHC. If we would like to increment by 0.00001% we need another machine so huge and powerful that actually it's impossible to have one. And probably it will never be possible.

All these words to make you understand why a so huge machine. Of course to accelerate those particles, we need superconductor magnets, to cool down the relative environment approximately to absolute zero and so on. In other words: we have to approximate strongly the environment that there was when Universe was born. The principle is: same conditions same results.

Do we have just to confirm the Standard Model ?
Well, this is the main purpose, but other things can be confirmed or deleted.
We can discover Higgs's Boson so that consequently we will give an explanation of the Mass's origin
We can explain why different particles have different mass, electrical charge and so on.
We can discover something about Super Symmetry theories, Obscure Matter and so on and so on and so on. Probably we are making a step ahead toward the great Unification theory. In this case the doors of the Universe are opened. But still a question: Do we are mature enough for this ? Enough maturity is necessary upfront to reach a goal, or we have to consider that maturity is reached always after have reached the goal, due experience made ? Well if Chromodynamic is wrong, we will end our existence in a black-hole. But I think that Chromodynamic is NOT wrong at all, because all forecast of that Theory are respected. So that we will see what we will discover. Be prepared, because there is also the probability that we will not discover something.

Now, somebody is scared about potential little blackholes that can be generated by this machine. Even if there is this possibility, believe me: no one of this will be alive enough to eat the Earth. It's sufficient if I tell you that the average age of such black hole is just 10^-27 seconds ? What does it mean ? It means that this black hole will survive only: 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 1 seconds. This time is not sufficient to kill us.
Anyway, do you really feel yourself safe at home without this machine ? Do you ever thought that asteroids are not discoverable in time ? And even if they are discovered: nothing, I say again: NOTHING can avoid a collision with them, in case they are on Earth's track ?
Yes I know that some american told that: we have bombs and weapons. But this is not a scientist for sure OR he/she's lying. No weapons in the world are able to destroy an asteroid. Neither the atomic ones. Why ? Well: weapons use the force of the air moved by the explosion, to create damages. Even the atomic bomb, it's so powerful, because brings at high temperature the atmosphere and the rest it's just: thermodynamic. But in an environment where there is not any atmosphere, just a light flash and nothing than this can occur. So forget any defense. But there are other giant enemies in the Universe, so powerful, so unpredictable and so invisible, that you will never ever imagine.
Did you ever heard about Gamma Ray Bursts ? No ? Well. It's good for you. Now I'm gonna to explain with simple words, what is this. Gamma ray Bursts are the most intense emission of radiations that there are since the Big Bang ! They are generated during some Cosmic tragedy that follows a tragedy.
When a star explodes, as Supernova, it remains her Nucleo that starts to rotate rapidly, often creating a Pulsar ( PULSating stAR ) and in case she had the necessary quantity of mass ( Chandransekhar Limit ) her remains collapses in a black hole.
But there is a middle stage. Two Pulsars that are reciprocally attracted, can collapse against each other. Then they can reach the quantity of mass sufficient to collapse in a black hole. At that moment happens something so huge that's impossible to imagine. For physic's processes, the new body generated, emits a so strong burst of Gamma Ray in its Poles' direction, that if this beam intercepts our Earth, we will be fully destroyed in few minutes, and all the surface of our Earth will be fully sterilized ! But how far away those bodies are ? So that you are sure that we can be not so worried about ? Well, in the reality they are extremely far away from us. Billions of light years. But so powerful that this distance, has not importance: they will kill us anyway.
Upper atmosphere's layers will be totally destroyed ( Ozone free ), all the fatal radiations will reach the surface of our Earth, alter our chemistry and so on. How frequently do they happen ? Not so much frequently, but quite frequently to worry us about them too. We have not power to go against such phenomenon. Cosmic dangers are not finished or limited to those things, there are so many others that frankly talking: you cannot feel yourself sure, if closed in your home OR without LHC ! So: be less childish, do not believe to apocalyptic bullshits about LHC and look the life as it is trying to discover it more and more.

Well, to be on science fiction, try to imagine if we discover something unexpected. Typically, when you are trying to discover something that you forecast, what you will discover is not what you are looking for, but something else, completely different and so more important, that the first origin of the research is completely neglected. Suppose that we will discover how to open a wormhole. What hell is this now ? Wormhole, or scientifically talking: Einstein-Rose tunnel, is a shortcut in space-time continuum, that can connect two regions of space, in very short distance and time to travel on it, that normally are distant between them billions of light years. Have a look HERE in order to understand details.
In this case our concept of travels and discovers, will be totally upsided-down. Regions of space are connected at the same time, so that the clock time is the present. It means that in few minutes you can travel for billions of light years. But even there, suppose that we are able so far, to go somewhere else in the space. Suppose that we will are able to reach a distance of 300 light years from the Earth bringing with us a huge telescope ( as Hubble is ), and from up there, we can point that telescope toward the Earth. What do you think that telescope will be able to see ?
It will see the Earth, how it was 300 years ago !!! Because the light departed from the Earth, to reach that point, is departed 300 years before, bringing with itself all the information as they were.
In few words: we can attend directly to our ancient history looking in what manner really things gone !!! Do you have afraid to discover that many things in our books'history are altered or are totally false ? Then why do you study history ? Perhaps you are just studying fairy-tails, so that I think it's better for you to study the real history. What advantages, and what changes in the human culture if something like this happens ! Perhaps it's really more important than Higgs'boson.

Sunday, 21 September 2008

PSPICE Student

Ohh I've downloaded and installed this PSPICE just to test upfront some circuit.
Having calculated everything with a pen and a piece of paper, I decided to use PSPICE to test all my circuitry.
This program is even free, so that I took advantage. But after designed my circuit on it, and started the simulation, surprises arrived on my plate. Jesus Christ ! Circuit seems not work ! Then, giving the fault to myself, I started to control newly all the calculation. Everything seems good, but the simulation tells totally another thing. It's a shit ! So that with a friend, in MSN, we start discussing this. And of course he's student so is fresh mind. I stopped to study electronics 20 years ago, when I finished school, but he is studying yet. I took the occasion to control with him everything, and both we know: circuit must work. But it doesn't. Well, I'm older, it means I have some experience on my shoulder. I have already built pert of this circuitry and it works fine, so it has not sense that a simulator tells "no" when I have in front of me that circuit working. So that I started to simulate the obvious. I took a couple of circuits: one BJT ( Bipolar Junction Transistor ) made, and the other one MOSFET ( Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor ). Both circuits are finished and they are wonderfully working. I transfered their schematics on PSPICE for student. BJT system was working, MOSFET not at all. I started then to invest all my fucking sunday afternoon, to look the reasons. Well, in this PSPICE version, MOSFETS' models are WRONG ! Indeed using normal FETs everything works fine. But at soon you employ MOSFETS, everything doesn't work. Ok: delete this version and delete also OrCAD in order to reinstall it, because something wrong happened even to it during the installation of PSPICE for student. What is happened and why it's happened: I really don't know. But OrCAD was corrupted. At the end I have to know that if I base my project up to me, even if I remember partially concepts just because it's a lot of time that I don't use them, it's more reliable than a program. Even if it's known.

Theremin (Termen)

I just discovered this instrument recently. It looks alike a magic one.
it was invented in 1912 by russian Lev Termen, so that the real pronunciation should respect the real name of the inventor. But English language has modified in Theremin.
Lev Termen has realized this magic instrument in a easy way.
It' basically constituted by three oscillators.
The first two are dedicated to pitch generation and the third one to the expression: volume control.
But in what does it ?
Well, basically is a wood box with two antennas. One horizontal and the other vertical ( as the one of your radio ). If you stand up your hand and you get closer to the vertical antenna, there is a sound emitted by a loudspeaker. The pitch of that sound, will be higher and higher directly related with the distance between your hand and the antenna. The closer you are to the antenna, the higher is the pitch and vice versa.
Sound intensity is given by the distance between the other hand and the horizontal antenna.
Lev Termen was thinking to an Orchestral Director. When his hands are going down, this indicates to the musician to fade out or anyway to decrease the sound level. Vice versa, when the hands are going up, it means: get louder.
So that the closer you get to the horizontal antenna, the less loudy sound will be emitted from loudspeaker and vice versa.
Technically, as I told, is very simple. There are for the pitch, two oscillators. The first one fixed n a determined frequency ( typically 160 kHz, well out from audio range ) and a second one that's free and connected to the antenna, and oscillates at the same frequency of the first.
When you move an obstacle ( as your hand for instance ) from/to the antenna, it variates the capacitance. Dielectric is the air between your hand and the antenna. What happens then ? It happens that in the reality, changing the value of the capacitance, you change also the frequency at which the oscillator is working. A very simple circuitry, very similar to the one that is in our AM radio, detects the difference between the fixed oscillator and the variable one, and it give this frequency to a loudspeaker, by an amplifier. Normally that difference falls down in the audio band and we are able to listen to it.
An example. Suppose that both oscillators are working to 160 kHz. so that 160-160=0 and no sound is emitted.
Well, now we get close to the antenna. Capacitance of one of these, will be increased and the frequency of this oscillator diminishes. Suppose that it reach 158 kHz. Then 160-158 = 2 kHz. and a sound closer to higher C ( DO ), that's 1093 Hz = 2.093 kHz is emitted and we ear it very well.
Suppose now that we get a little far away from the antenna, and the variable oscillator produces 159.560 kHz ... calculating the difference we have: 160-159.560 = 0.440 Khz that's means 440 Hz: the main A ( LA ) and so on. Moving continuously the hand toward and backward the antenna, it's possible to change the pitch as a "Glissando". Exercise permit to reach a really good result.
Note that the circuitry calculating the difference, it calculate positive differences between fixed oscillators and variable one. Not vice versa. So that if variable is higher than the variable, no sound is emitted because there is not negative frequency. It cannot be 160-170 = -10 kHz. It doesn't make any sense.
This is the technical explanation, but you can imagine to watch a musician ( Thereminist ) that is producing sound just moving her hands on the air.It looks alike spooky and magic :-)
Intensity ( loud ) of the sound, works almost in the same way. there is only one oscillator connected to a filter.
This oscillator operates almost to the same frequency than the other two but it's not important. When the frequency get closed to the resonance value of the filter, the tension out of the filter is higher than when the oscillator is far away form the resonating filter's frequency.
So that get closer to the horizontal antenna with your hand, frequency will be lower, and more closed to the resonating frequency of the filter. Voltage out from this filter is higher, and polarize a VCA ( Voltage Controlled Amplifier ) that will change the value of the amplification , in this case: it will diminish it. Getting far away from the antenna, it will be obtained the opposite result and the volume will be louder.
A lot of words spent for this magic instrument. Now, the main producer is Moog, the inventor of Synthesizers, but you can easily build it up.
Here you can find it and buy it if you like: CLICK HERE
and here you can watch something magic:
CLICK HERE it's on Youtube
Do you'd like to have the electric diagram of Moog ? Here below there is it

It's not determinant what type of transistor you are using, due the frequency range that is very low. General purposes transistors can be used. Critical points are the inductances. Keep inmind that if the inductance is not the correct oen, you can get some difficulty in the functioning.
Moog is sold also in Kit and it costs a little less, about 66€ less ( today September the 21st 2008 ), it's a good experience

Saturday, 20 September 2008

My history with music

Since child, I studied guitar. My Mom was music teacher of Guitar, Accordion and Mouth Harmonica, so that I took some lesson from her.
Well, at the same time I was studying Recorder due school duties. I think it's quite classic. It's the easier instrument for all beginners in order to close them to music.
But passion was increasing. At the same time I'm quite reserved. I mean: I like to do things for my self, alone. I have to reach my goal with my own capabilities. With this characteristics I reached many goals but guys: what a fatigue. I will never suggest to be as I am ;-)
For a while I continue to study music than I stopped for some years, because I was not able to understand very well secrets. then I restarted at 20-22y.o. successfully always for my own. With this choice, I started also some ind of musical workshop, some composition. But it was not what I felt, what I wanted. Later I met a Bassist, as Job colleague, and he gave me the motivation to continue and some good indication. In few weeks I studied functional Harmony and I composed some piece of New-Age. You know, this is my genre, the kind of music that I fee intimally. So that I proceeded further, having strong influences from Pink-Floyd so that: Psychological genre, Jean Michel Jarre, "Il Guardiano del Faro" an italian author that brought for the first time in italy the synthesizer: Moog, and others as Tangerine Dreams and so on.
Of course I have my own style. To have influences doesn't mean: to copy. I have my personality also in music. And challenges never stopped. Once emigrated in Belgium, as hobby I subscribed my self to Music Accadmy ( Conservatory ) and I proceeded further with Violin and Jazz/Blues/Light Music Guitar. I successfully done the first three years in only one, and at the present time I'm proceeding with the fifth year ( AMC ) contemporary to the 8 year ( AMT ).
Why do I tell those things ? Is it just to show that I did it ? No! Absolutely. Music is not Conservatory or only rules. Music is what you feel inside. The expression with notes, of your heart. Then why do I tell those things ? Only to present my self. Nothing else. Just a little fragment of my life. Do am I better of others just because I did this "time compression" in Conservatory ? Absolutely NO. A lot of people are really better than me. Believe me: to be better than me it's not necessary fatigue ;-) I'm just introducing my engagements, my efforts that I employed in order to start an hobby as composer. I have realized many pieces, you can even listen to them here on "myspace" site: Of course you can like them or not. It's up to you. But I created with passion. I don't gain any money. Of course I publish my last CD: KAREN, in iTunes, Amazon and others. So that you can tell: ahhhhhh now we see. You are gaining a lot of money ... yes guys ... really a lot of money ... in total I gained 25 USD ... those are the money for Rights :-) in how many days ? Just two months :-D and this thing continues :-) I will never be reach for music. Passion is passion and when is shared with others that appreciate what you are doing: it's reached the goal. I'm interested to this.
Well I will continue my research with music and my experimentations. Of course I really hope ou like it.


Hi all, you are all welcome here

I opened this blog to share my experiences with you.
They are from Aeronautics, to Electronics, and from Music to Photography or Astronomy.
I think that Internet is a great vehicle that can spread experiences around the world, so that they may be used from other people they need. The important is to keep information alive.